Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings


Why HPV Vaccine Should Be Avoided?

In June 2006, FDA approved a new vaccine - Gardasil for human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a common sexually transmitted disease that is passed through genital contact, usually by sexual intercourse. There are more than 100 strains of HPV. Some forms of the virus can cause genital warts. Other forms of the virus can cause pre-malignant lesions (also known as abnormal cells) on the cervix that can turn into cancer years later. However, about 90% of the HPV infections are harmless and go away without treatment.

The vaccine only protects against 4 of the more than 100 different strains of HPV, strains 6 & 11 that can cause genital warts and strains 16 & 18 that can cause pre-malignant lesions. The HPV vaccine contains virus-like particles of HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18, 225mcg of Aluminum, sodium chloride, sodium borate, L-histidine, and polysorbate 80. (Source: HPV Video - Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute)

There has been constant pressure for girls to get the HPV vaccine for a number of years. Many doctors and the federal government encourage parents to have boys and girls vaccinated for HPV as early as 11.

How Safe is The HPV vaccine?

By January 2011 (more than 4 years after the vaccine was approved by FDA), the FDA received 20,000 reports of injury and death following this vaccine. This vaccine has caused thousands of adverse reactions including heart irregularities, kidney failure, seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short-term memory loss, Guillain-Barré syndrome and even death. The vaccine has poor efficacy against “high-grade” lesions. The vaccine has never been proven to prevent a single case of cervical cancer. The vaccine also has poor efficacy in sexually active females, and may increase the risk of cervical cancer. (Source: HPV Video - Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute)

A government watchdog group, Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Feb. 14, 2013, Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services to obtain the records about how many people have been harmed by the HPV vaccine. The group is seeking records related to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, a program that compensates patients who have been adversely affected by vaccines.

According to the Annals of Medicine: “At present there are no significant data showing that either Gardasil or Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) can prevent any type of cervical cancer since the testing period employed was too short to evaluate long-term benefits of HPV vaccination.”

“From the very beginning the federal government has attempted to shield the public from the truth about Gardasil,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “Despite safety concerns, the vaccine continues to be pushed for both girls and boys. (Source: Feds sued for secrets on HPV vaccine deaths)

Countless young girls have been harmed by the HPV vaccine, and we still do not know how the vaccine will affect their long-term health, even if they do not experience any acute side effects. We encourage everyone to watch this informative video about HPV Vaccine.

Why HPV Vaccine Does Not Help To Prevent Cervical Cancer?

The HPV vaccine was only designed to protect 4 strains of HPV and some reports indicate that the vaccine can actually increase your chance of getting HPV that causes cervical cancer. Another concern is that the HPV vaccine can encourage sexual promiscuity. It gives many girls and young women the false idea that they can have sex and be protected from HPV. The best way to prevent cervical cancer in future generations is to encourage all kids and teenagers to not engage in any kind of sexual activity until marriage. We would see a big drop in cervical cancer cases if more young people waited until marriage to have sex and remained monogamous.

The federal government and doctors should encourage teenagers and young people to practice abstinence until marriage as a way to decrease their chances of getting cervical cancer and other STDs instead of the HPV vaccine.

Also, keep in mind that pap smears are actually often unnecessary for virgin women who have never engaged in any type of sexual activity (see Are Pap Smears Necessary For Virgin Women? for more information).

Parents should not allow their children to be vaccinated for HPV due to the risks. Young women and college students should refuse to be vaccinated for HPV too. It is certainly not worth having the vaccine since there are many serious complications that could happen. Do not let your doctor pressure you into having the HPV vaccine. Some doctors still claim that the HPV vaccine is safe despite the risks. Women at high risk for contracting HPV should have a Pap smear and HPV test.


Feds sued for secrets on HPV vaccine deaths

HPV Video - Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute

New Evidence Demolishes Claims of Safety and Effectiveness of HPV Vaccine

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