Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings


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Gynecologists That Have Accommodated Patient Modesty Requests

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Dr.Randye Karmin
Miami Women Care
8950 SW 74th Ct. Suite 1705
Miami, FL 33156

Phone: 305-670-0010

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Gender of Patient Can Honor Modesty For: Female

How This Doctor Accommodated Patient Modesty Requests: Every aspect of my conversation with Dr. Karmin and her assistant was addressed. I wanted no drugs, I had none at one point in the conversation - and because of my request for no drugs - she had to use a different apparatus. The representative for that was there and male. She asked if he could be in the procedure looking over my shoulder. I blurted out, No! And he was never near my procedure. I told her I had been sexually assaulted for lung cancer surgery by male techs and I`d never have them again. After the procedure the rep was in the office talking to Dr. Karmin about the effectiveness of that machine, I needed to ask her a question and the male rep said Shall I leave. Her office is entirely female staff. I had a hysteroscopy with removal of polyps. I wore my street clothes waist up and a paper drape waist down. The exam room is dimly lit, just the doctor and 1 female assistant were there. Afterward I took 2 advil. I had slight cramping. During the procedure w/o drugs I had moderate cramping for about 5 minutes. In my opinion, no drugs are needed whatsoever if you have a doctor who is obliging and skilled at this procedure. Dr. Karmin also told me she isn`t a doctor who doesn`t take her time with patients as well patients get to take THEIR time with her. I drove over 2 hours to her office because I heard how good she was. She IS!

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Last Updated: 10/4/2021

Dr.Carol Uhlman
Lakewood Health System
49725 County 83
Staples, MN 56479

Phone: 218-894-1515

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Gender of Patient Can Honor Modesty For: Female

How This Doctor Accommodated Patient Modesty Requests: She performed hysterectomy on one female patient and accommodated her wishes for an all-female team and only spinal anesthesia so she could be awake for surgery. She also accommodated the patient's request that her husband be present for the surgery.

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Last Updated: 11/6/2017



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