Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings


Why Medical Patient Modesty Is Important

The medical community often expects patients to dismiss their modesty issues within the medical setting and there are patients that want to see a change in that attitude. Many men and women have no desire for certain parts of their body to be exposed to any person of the opposite sex aside from their respective spouses. Locker rooms and public restrooms are separate for a reason and outrage would prevail if that were to change so what is so odd about modesty in the medical community? Modesty is important in all circumstances.

Think about how many husbands would be upset if another man watched their wife taking a bath or using the toilet. Or wives having another woman watch their husband using a urinal. Many husbands feel strongly that their wives' private areas should not be exposed to any other men and that includes doctors and nurses. This does not make them crazy, they simply love their wives so much that they don't want another man to see or touch these areas. They support their wives' decision to receive treatments from female doctors, midwives, and nurses for intimate procedures. The intimacy bond between a husband and a wife is very special and many believe that this area of the marital relationship is violated and compromised when they expose their private parts to a person of the opposite sex, even medical professionals. Many spouses feel honored to be the only person of the opposite sex to see and access the private parts of their spouses.

In addition, there are single people who are committed to purity and do not want their private areas to be exposed to the opposite sex even in medical settings. Their desire is for their future spouse to be the only person of the opposite sex to see and access certain parts of their body, especially after puberty. Medical professionals are no different than ordinary people. Medical training cannot take "man" out of a male doctor.

There are sexual abuse victims who get very upset about how their modesty is disregarded in medical setting because it brings back painful memories. It is very important to them that they get as much modesty as possible. Many female abuse victims prefer only female medical professionals participate in intimate medical procedures on them.

There are male patients upset about female nurses inserting their catheters. Some male patients were not even aware that this happened until they woke up from a surgical procedure. Take a moment to look at some bodily privacy violation cases. There are cases where female nurses demand to give male patients a bath when the patient did not want this to happen but felt unable to stand up for their rights.

Surgeries on the wrist, knee, or arm should not require the removal of a patient’s underwear. Some physicians do not like to work around clothes but this makes little sense. One man before his carpal tunnel surgery informed the nurses/doctor that he didn't want his pants off. They ignored his wishes to their horror a nurse brought his pants to his wife.

There are cases where patients have been successful in standing up for the modesty they wanted. See successful cases.

Please check out some comments from people about why modesty is so important in medical settings below.

Woman Who is Committed To Purity from NC
Brandon from Indiana

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