Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings


About Us

Our Mission

To help educate patients and their families about how to have maximum bodily privacy for procedures; how to stand up for their rights requesting a same-sex medical team for intimate procedures; and how to prevent sexual abuse by medical professionals. We also work to educate medical professionals on how to be more sensitive to patient modesty.

Our Goals

*Contact hospitals throughout the United States to educate them on the importance of patient modesty and encourage them to provide patient modesty training to their doctors, nurses, technicians, and other staff members.

*Increase, through hospital education, the number of male nurses available for intimate procedures (such as vasectomy and urinary catheterization) on male patients because many men are uncomfortable with female nurses doing these procedures on them.

*Contact urology and ob/gyn offices explaining the importance for patients to have the option of same gender medical professionals participating in intimate procedures or surgeries that expose their private parts. Sometimes, female ob/gyns don't even realize how important it is to some female patients and their husbands that no males be involved in their ob/gyn care. For example, a woman and her husband requested an all female ob/gyn operating room team for his wife's hysterectomy. To their horror, a male scrub technician ended up participating in the surgery.

*Increase, in rural areas, the number of female ob/gyns, as well as nurse midwives that can attend the births of their babies. Way too many hospitals cannot assure women and their husbands that they will have a female ob/gyn present for the birth of their baby. We would like to contact those hospitals to encourage them to hire more female ob/gyns.

*Decrease the number of unnecessary invasive procedures such as urinary catheterizations by educating the medical community and the public.

*Increase the awareness of alternative procedures to protect a person’s modesty such as the use of abdominal vs. transvaginal ultrasound to detect ovarian cysts through patient and hospital education.

*Decrease opportunities for sexual impropriety and abuse of patients by medical staff.

*Educate parents about how to protect their children especially teenagers from unnecessary intimate exams

Our Vision

*To help patients stand up for their rights to patient modesty and not be afraid to speak up when they feel like their modesty has been violated. Empower those that feel their modesty has been violated to write letters to the doctors and/or hospitals sharing the details of their experience in an effort to make their providers more sensitive in the future. The more patients that speak up, the better chance we have of changing the way patient modesty is approached in medical settings. Issues surrounding patients where abortion or euthanasia are concerned will not be addressed as MPM does not support these procedures.

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| About Us | Patient Testimonials | Importance of Modesty | Modesty Violation Cases | Female Patient Modesty | Patient Modesty Friendly Doctors | Find An All Female OB/GYN Practice | All-Female OB/GYN Practice Locator | How Female Gynecologists Can Be More Sensitive to Women's Modesty | Find A Female Surgeon | Female Surgeon Locator | Male Patient Modesty | Tips For Modest Male Patients | Men and Modesty in Medical Settings Brochures | How Urologists Can Be More Sensitive to Men's Modesty | Find a Men's Clinic With All Male Medical Staff | For Patients | Tips For Patients | Modesty During Childbirth | Modesty During Hysterectomy | Modesty During Gallbladder Removal Surgery | Modesty for Procedures and Surgeries | Modesty During Colonoscopy | Surgery and Your Modesty | What Should You Know Before You Have Surgery? | Surgery Violations | Sedation, Versed, and Your Procedure | Virgin Women and Pap Smears | Truth About Pap Smears | Truth About Pelvic Exams | Pelvic Exam Consent Forms | Precautions To Take at All-Female OB/Gyn Practices | Why Women Should Avoid Male Doctors For Intimate Examinations? | ACOG's Recommendation for Chaperones in Preventing Sexual Abuse By Doctors Is Useless | History of Modern Gynecology | Have You Been Referred To a Gynecologic Oncologist? | Tips For Patients | Why Advance Directives Are Important |Tips For Parents of Teenagers | Unnecessary Intimate Exams For Sports Physicals | Tips For Sexual Abuse Victims | Standing Up For Your Rights To Modesty | Sexual Misconduct By Physicians | No Visitor Policy During a Pandemic | For Medical Professionals | Brochures For Medical Professionals | Tips For Doctors | Tips For Nurses | Tips For Hospitals | Why Medical Undergarments Are Important | Working With Sexual Abuse Victims | Elderly Patients and Modesty in Medical Settings | How Nursing Homes Can Respect Residents’ Dignity and Prevent Sexual Abuse | Modesty During Assisted Bathing | Is it Necessary To Remove Underwear For Surgery? | Why You Should Have a Personal Advocate For Surgery? | Importance of Filing Complaints Against Medical Professionals / Facilities | Choosing a Doctor and a Medical Facility | Contact Info | Business Directory

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