Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings


Importance of Medical Undergarments

We encourage all medical facilities to always have medical undergarments available for patients. As proof of its value, check out this recently published study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery on COVR Medical undergarments (Exposure-Related Anxiety and Improving Patient Satisfaction with Medical Undergarments During Surgery) and note the following:

  • The purpose of this randomized, blinded, clinical trial (Level 1 Evidence - the highest standard of scientific study formats) was to measure exposure-related stress and/or anxiety in surgery patients and to determine if hospital garment selection impacts patient perception, satisfaction, loyalty and referral of the facility.

The findings were:

  • The majority of patients agreed or strongly agreed that protecting their personal modesty is important when undergoing a medical procedure.

  • Exposure-related stress and anxiety are real phenomena experienced by a substantial percentage of surgical patients.

In addition, the clinical trial data validated the positive economic impact of offering COVR Medical garments as:

  • A significantly higher number of patients in the Undergarment Group (provided with a COVR undergarment in addition to their gown) agreed or strongly agreed that the garments provided by the hospital met their expectation for protecting their privacy. This group also scored a significantly higher level of Patient Satisfaction.

  • The Undergarment Group, at a rate 3 times higher, agreed or strongly agreed that the garments provided by a hospital would influence their:

    • Choice of hospital and
    • Decision to recommend a hospital to family or friends

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