Solving the Dignity Dilemma:
How You Can Now Have Privacy During Assisted
By Robin Lenart
I love riddles and especially enjoy searching
for the secret that’s hiding behind the obvious. Here’s
one I first heard from a boy in my 6th grade class. As most
riddles, it was presented as a question: If you were confronted
with a bear behind you, a tiger beside you on your left, a lion
on your right, and a church in front of you, which way would
you run? Right on cue I picked the “correct answer”
and said “I’d head for cover to the church”.
My friend enjoyed asking again, this time with a giggle, “You’d
go to church with a bare behind?” With 11-year-old vivid
imagery, the thought of being exposed in the most respected
setting would make meeting a tiger almost do-able.
In real life, dignity can be like a riddle,
confounding our senses and reason. While the choices may not
be so painful as fighting off wild animals, the pain vs. shame
scenarios do exist.
You know that feeling you get when you find
yourself recovering from a medical procedure and catch sight
of your friendly nurse coming in your direction carrying a wash
basin and towels. She had heard it all before I’m sure…”Thanks,
I’ll wait till I get home…I can do it myself…Ugh,
I don’t need a bath anyway, really.” Why couldn’t
we just tell her the “naked” truth? Like a seasoned
riddle solver, she would have to de-code the story and discover
the hidden message: Fear of dignity loss.
My first encounter with this phantom emotion
came during a hospital stay when I was only eight. It was there
that I discovered the invisible boundaries of my personal comfort
zone. I moaned about the dreadful gown. It did not resemble
the “gowns” Cinderella or Barbie had. Where was
the elastic, the zipper or buttons? Why would anyone want to
wear a dress held together only at the neck? And to make matters
worse, no underwear underneath!
Thankfully my Mom was the champion for whatever
cause I had for the moment. This time it was survival of the
self! The “whys” and “what -fors” were
not for information, but rather the cry for help from the fear
of vulnerability deep within. Mom understood. To my relief,
she smuggled my under garments to me so I could be covered.
Since there was no talk of me breaking the “rules”,
my bet says she had a little talk with the attending staff.
Little did I know that one day, I’d be
returning the favor, coming to Mom’s rescue from the same
boogie-man of dread. Again, I came face to face with these sensitive
issues when she came to live with me and my husband. As she
struggled with Parkinson’s, I worried about her entering
a stage where she may need more care. I secretly dreaded the
day when I would have to help with bathing. My mother was a
dignified lady. I wanted to help protect her dignity, not be
a part of her losing it. . How could I honor her while invading
those intimate boundaries of personal care?
As a caregiver I saw many in the home heath
care industry. Therapists, social workers and aides came into
our home. I asked questions, collected stories and took notes.
I wanted to hear how others were dealing with this issue of
being naked in the presence of a family caregiver. I heard from
compassionate nurses and aides who suggested creative ways of
staying covered. Showering in a slip or keeping the undergarments
on during bathing were a few. But when these wet garments needed
to come off, the problem of exposure returned again. Having
a choice to say no to bathing was the popular solution, but
if a shower was truly needed, then what? The Certified Nursing
Assistants I questioned said about half of their new clients
refused baths due to embarrassment.
Oddly enough, among the bath-dodgers, they
said doctors were the worst offenders! Perhaps because the Medical
community at least, attempts to acknowledge the embarrassment
factor with a variety of cover-ups. However flimsy, these paper
shawls and dresses may not be the most fashionable, but I’m
grateful they are not taken away! Unfortunately the accepted
way in personal care was simply biting the bullet. How would
I feel if my son or son-in-law needed to help me into the shower?
Or on the flip side, as a daughter, would I feel uneasy about
helping my dad if he needed my care?
I believe my own discomfort as a family caregiver helped fuel
my frustration. And so began my quest to get to know more about
this peculiar emotion.
Should I out-smart it? ...Or just make peace
with it?
The answer to my prayers came with one of those
light-bulb moments as an idea flashed in my mind! Why not cover
just the “bare” essentials? I envisioned a flap-type
wrap, which resembled the garment Tarzan or Jane would wear
while bathing under a tropical waterfall. Discovering a solution
to the problem of embarrassment seemed so simple, yet had its
challenges. This new loin cloth accessory needed to cover, but
not get in the way of personal hygiene. And it needed to be
water friendly, so it could be used in the shower where it’s
most needed.
As I finished my sketches, the day came (none
too soon) for me to assist my mom in a quick body clean up.
A makeshift prototype was formed from a couple old hand towels
quickly stitched and safety-pinned together. We both made it
through the bathing crisis without the discomfort of embarrassment.
I discovered from this simple garment, there
was a definite relationship between dignity and clothing. Mom’s
honor found expression by covering what was private to her.
I felt I was given a secret that solved this dignity riddle.
The dread of boundary crossing was replaced
with a peace of mind regarding all of her personal care. Her
new “birthday suit” was born and was aptly named
“Honor Guard”. It had three flap-panels and a matching
chest shield that got wet with her during her showering. When
it was time to dry off, a companion dry set, lined with terry
cloth was placed right over the wet garment, so it could be
removed under the cover of the dry garment. It was so easy.
Her fresh clothes were put on right under the dry garments.
All through her stages of care, her Honor Guard was worn for
whatever was needed. There was no need for body exposure. We
both enjoyed the benefit of dignity for clothing changes, sponge
baths and even help in the bathroom.
Through the next year, we both soldiered it
out, as she needed more help. Many emotions were felt and shared.
Embarrassment was not one of them.
My quest to share this simple solution with others led me to
launch Dignity Resource Council,
a nonprofit organization for other caregivers and moms like
mine. Many have been covered and comforted by the garment she
helped inspire. As my story is told, perhaps someday, personal
care garments will be standard for all wanting the comfort of
being covered.
If you would like to have an Honor Guard garment
set for you or your loved one, visit Dignity Resource Council's
web site.
We offer Women’s and Men’s garments you can purchase
right online. We also have a charitable program called “Love
Covers” which helps with the purchase price on a sliding
scale, as our funds allow.
Also check out the below videos:
1) How
to use an Honor Guard dignity garment
2) Assisting
a patient in the shower with dignity
3) Assisted
Shower without embarrassment!
4) Assisting
Male Patients With Personal Care
Dignity is a beautiful state of being. It’s
like a warm sunset that covers us with a beautiful glow of appreciation.
And who wouldn’t like to be seen in a good light?
Robin Lenart is a conference speaker
and Executive Director of Dignity Resource Council. For more
information about personal care garments, visit
or call 844-678-4698.