Martin Jr. is an 19 year old actor from Raleigh, NC area
who is best known for his role as Dylan Mitchell, the teenage
son of Adam and Victoria Mitchell in the movie Courageous.
His acting career started at 7 years of age when he expressed
an interest in acting after being the lead in a school play.
His dad, Rusty Sr., was also in the movie "Courageous".
His dad was the factory owner in Courageous who gave
Javier Martinez a test about his integrity before considering
promoting him to inventory manager at the factory. Rusty has
appeared in other faith-based films including Wesley as the
young John Wesley. He recently won the best actor in feature
film at Churches Making Movies Film Festival. Check out Rusty's
He has 6 films coming out in the next year: Destiny Road ; Princess
Cut; Polycarp: Destroyer of Gods; Chasing Grace. He also played
in both movies, "Jackson's Run" which is now available
on DVD and "Love Covers All" on DVD (comes out Oct.
Additional Links
About Rusty Jr:
stars Russell and Rusty Martin: Different Kind of Dynamic Duo
Rusty Martin
and Rusty Martin Jr. Greet