Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings

No Visitors For Patients Due To COVID-19
We have included some articles about how patients were stripped of their right to have a visitor (support person) during the coronavirus pandemic. The zero-visitor policy, even during a pandemic, is inhumane and should never be implemented. Check out the article, No Visitor Policy During a Pandemic.


Local couple faces harsh reality of separation with COVID-19 hospital visitor restrictions

It is ridiculous that Mission Hospital would not let this lady (who most likely did not have COVID because she took precautions such as wearing a mask) seriously be with her husband who was recovering from open heart surgery.

Date of Article: 12/19/2020

Woman fights to visit husband in ICU despite COVID-19 restrictions

It is horrible that a hospital would not allow the wife of a man who was critically injured in an ATV accident to see him.

Date of Article: 9/9/2020

Facing a no-visitor hospital policy, Lakeview woman begs to see her terminally ill husband

Date of Article: 8/14/2020

Coronavirus Mandate Stories: ‘Restrictions on Visiting My Husband Are Cruel’

Date of Article: 8/3/2020

Judge blames the coronavirus for preventing woman from having hospital visits

Date of Article: 6/5/2020

“At risk of dying alone”: Strict hospital no-visitors policies halting some families’ goodbyes

It is horrible that a mom, Elizabeth Reiter had to be in the hospital for 21 days and her husband was never allowed to visit her. Sadly, she passed away after 21 days. Her husband, Steve even went as far as having a COVID test to show he was negative and the hospital still would not let him see his wife. Steve has started a non-profit organization, The Never Alone Project.

Date of Article: 5/21/2020

Hospital Visitor Bans Under Scrutiny After Disability Groups Raise Concerns Over Care

It's tragic that some disabled patients and patients with dementia had to recover and even die alone.

Date of Article: 5/17/2020

Florida husband sues hospital for preventing him and relatives from visiting his wife since she was admitted to the ICU three weeks ago with aneurysm complications due to coronavirus restrictions

Date of Article: 5/13/2020

A Heart-Wrenching Thing’: Hospital Bans on Visits Devastate Families

Date of Article: 3/29/2020

Man visiting sick wife escorted out of hospital ICU amid COVID-19 visitor policy

This is a horrible case. It's ridiculous and very inhumane that this hospital asked a loving husband who was dedicated to staying with his wife (even staying over night) to leave. He definitely posed no danger to the hospital. He was actually much less likely than the medical professionals to have COVID-19 since his wife was basically the only patient he interacted with. Patients should never be stripped of their right to have their spouse present.

Date of Article: 3/27/2020



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