Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings


Sexual Misconduct By Physicians

Many physicians are never charged with sexual abuse, but we felt that people need to be aware that number of male physicians have been accused or charged of sexual misconduct. There are many good doctors, but we often trust doctors too much. Of 10,000 physicians surveyed, 1,891 responded and the result was that fully 9% admitted to some sexual contact with one or more patients. (Sample included 344 gynecologists.) Check out the full report. Given the statistical probability that this kind of issue is known to be vastly underreported, this fact gives further worry to people who cringe when learning of these abuses knowing that they do happen. That 9% of doctors is much higher than the general population of men in all of society! Check out a good web site about sexual misconduct by doctors. There are some important tips you can take to prevent a doctor from committing sexual misconduct with you.

We have listed some disgusting cases that you should check out. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in the below articles. Keep in mind that it is possible for doctors to be falsely accused even though most cases in the news are indeed true.

Dr. Ben Ramaley, a gynecologist in Greenwich Connecticut substituted his own sperm for the husband’s during an artificial insemination procedure

Dr. Aniruddha Chitale is accused of ejaculating semen on a patient’s face while she was sedated for a colonoscopy procedure. He was also accused of doing inappropriate things to other women.

Dr. Earl Bradley, a pediatrician in Delaware raped and sexually abused many children including infants


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