Medical Patient Modesty - a non-profit organization to improve patient modesty in medical settings


Nursing/Medical Students' Convictions About Intimate Procedures

There are a number of people who desire to become doctors or nurses, but at the same time they have strong convictions that they should not do any intimate procedures on the opposite sex so they are in a tough dilemma. People with those convictions should certainly not give up their dreams to become doctors or nurses because medical or nursing schools require them to do intimate procedures on the opposite sex. Medical and nursing students should fight for their rights to not do intimate procedures on the opposite sex and ask schools to accommodate their convictions. One male nursing student was so upset about the idea of doing breast examinations on female patients due to his strong morals. It was absolutely unnecessary for this nursing student to do breast examinations on female patients since he had no interest in doing breast exams on women as a nurse anyway. One Christian female nursing student shared that she and her husband feel intimate procedures should only be performed by the same sex health care professionals. She was in a dilemma because she was a first semester nursing student and she was learning intimate procedures that are meant to be performed on both male and female patients. She spoke to her professors asking if she could only perform these skills on female patients and the professors stared at her like she had two heads. There is a good solution to this dilemma. The female nursing student could be exempt from doing intimate procedures on real male patients and practice doing urinary catheterizations on a male catheterization simulator if one is available. She could also possibly do some urinary catheterizations on young male kids. It would be good if all nursing and medical schools could purchase mannequins and catheterization simulators. Check out an example of a male catheterization simulator. It is good to have urinary catheterization simulators at nursing and medical schools anyway. They are good tools.

"Just as physicians can object to providing services due to their ethical and/or religious beliefs, medical students can have conscience-based objections to participating in educational activities" according to Medical Student Section of the American Medical Association (AMA). See more information. It doesn't mention intimate procedures on the opposite sex, but conviction against doing intimate procedures on the opposite sex is certainly in the category of conscience-based objections.

If you are not planning on doing intimate procedures on the opposite sex in the future, why should you have to do them in medical or nursing schools? It is ridiculous for male medical students who want to be specialists in podiatry, ENT, cardiology, dermatology, orthopedics, etc. to be required to do some pelvic and breast exams on female patients in medical school.

Medical & nursing schools should exempt students who have strong convictions against doing intimate procedures on the opposite sex. They could provide opposite sex simulators and mannequins for them to practice on. Check out medical training simulators. There is even a childbirth simulator that does a lot of amazing things. Simulators are wonderful training tools even for students who don't have a problem with doing intimate procedures on the opposite sex.


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